269 research outputs found

    Special Issue: landscape urbanism and green infrastructure

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    With the notion of landscape urbanism long neglected, interlinkages between ecology and architecture in the built environment are becoming visible. Yet, the diversity in understandings of the interconnections between cities and nature is the starting point for our research interest. This volume contains nine thoroughly refereed contributions concerning a wide range of topics in landscape architecture and urban green infrastructure. While some papers attempt to conceptualize the relation further, others clearly have an empirical focus. Thereby, this special issue provides a rich body of work, and will act as a starting point for further studies on biophilic urbanism and integrative policies, such as the sustainable development goals of the United Nations.Agência financiadora FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology PTDC/GES-URB/31928/2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Creating green space sustainability through low-budget and upcycling strategies

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    Frugality is a core notion of sustainability, and responsible resource management should be prioritized in urban planning and landscape architecture. Low-budget strategies as a deliberate means of creating valuable, attractive, well-used, sociable public spaces are recognized by some influential designers using the Light, cheap, quick methodology. Unused spaces, just like objects and waste, can be creatively changed, reinvented with little resource input through a circular solution of upcycling. Case study methodology was predominantly used in the inquiry with three new parks, built after the year 2004, in Faro, Portugal. The study examined how the success rate and the current state of these public green areas correlates with the amount of financial resources invested in each of the projects. The case studies show key aspects in the building of the three spaces including: urban context, management and community participation. The success rate of a place is established based on user activity observations, user counts and questionnairesconveyed amongst both experts and local residents. Results illustrate how low-budget strategies and limited use of funds and resources can be translated into a successful project of a public greenery. Comparative studies from Warsaw and Berlin further extend the discussion to the concept of upcycling as a sustainable solution for landscape architecture.Horizon 2020, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST Action RESTORE [CA16114

    Landscape Urbanism and Green Infrastructure

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    This volume examines the applicability of landscape urbanism theory in contemporary landscape architecture practice by bringing together ecology and architecture in the built environment. Using participatory planning of green infrastructure and application of nature-based solutions to address urban challenges, landscape urbanism seeks to reintroduce critical connections between natural and urban systems. In light of ongoing developments in landscape architecture, the goal is a paradigm shift towards a landscape that restores and rehabilitates urban ecosystems. Nine contributions examine a wide range of successful cases of designing livable and resilient cities in different geographical contexts, from the United States of America to Australia and Japan, and through several European cities in Italy, Portugal, Estonia, and Greece. While some chapters attempt to conceptualize the interconnections between cities and nature, others clearly have an empirical focus. Efforts such as the use of ornamental helophyte plants in bioretention ponds to reduce and treat stormwater runoff, the recovery of a poorly constructed urban waterway or participatory approaches for optimizing the location of green stormwater infrastructure and examining the environmental justice issue of equative availability and accessibility to public open spaces make these innovations explicit. Thus, this volume contributes to the sustainable cities goal of the United Nations

    Designing a fruit identification algorithm in orchard conditions to develop robots using video processing and majority voting based on hybrid artificial neural network

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    The first step in identifying fruits on trees is to develop garden robots for different purposes such as fruit harvesting and spatial specific spraying. Due to the natural conditions of the fruit orchards and the unevenness of the various objects throughout it, usage of the controlled conditions is very difficult. As a result, these operations should be performed in natural conditions, both in light and in the background. Due to the dependency of other garden robot operations on the fruit identification stage, this step must be performed precisely. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to design an identification algorithm in orchard conditions using a combination of video processing and majority voting based on different hybrid artificial neural networks. The different steps of designing this algorithm were: (1) Recording video of different plum orchards at different light intensities; (2) converting the videos produced into its frames; (3) extracting different color properties from pixels; (4) selecting effective properties from color extraction properties using hybrid artificial neural network-harmony search (ANN-HS); and (5) classification using majority voting based on three classifiers of artificial neural network-bees algorithm (ANN-BA), artificial neural network-biogeography-based optimization (ANN-BBO), and artificial neural network-firefly algorithm (ANN-FA). Most effective features selected by the hybrid ANN-HS consisted of the third channel in hue saturation lightness (HSL) color space, the second channel in lightness chroma hue (LCH) color space, the first channel in L*a*b* color space, and the first channel in hue saturation intensity (HSI). The results showed that the accuracy of the majority voting method in the best execution and in 500 executions was 98.01% and 97.20%, respectively. Based on different performance evaluation criteria of the classifiers, it was found that the majority voting method had a higher performance.European Union (EU) under Erasmus+ project entitled “Fostering Internationalization in Agricultural Engineering in Iran and Russia” [FARmER] with grant number 585596-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modeling nature-based and cultural recreation preferences in mediterranean regions as opportunities for smart tourism and diversification

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    The tourism and recreational o er of Mediterranean destinations involves, essentially, the promotion of mass tourism, based on the appeal of the sun and beach, and the quality of its coastal assets. Alongside the impacts of climate change, poor tourism diversification represents a threat to the resilience of the territory. Thus, heterogenization of noncoastal tourism products presents an opportunity to strengthen regional resilience to present and future challenges, hence the need to study, comparatively, the complementary preferences of tourists and residents of these regions in order to unveil their willingness to diversify their recreational experience, not only in coastal spaces, but also—and especially—in interior territories with low urban density. Consequently, this strategic option may represent a way of strengthening resilience and sustainability through diversification. In this context, a survey was conducted among 400 beach tourists and 400 residents of a case study—namely, three municipalities of the Algarve region in southern Portugal—in order to analyze their degree of preference for activities besides the sun and beach, such as nature-based and cultural tourism activities, and to probe the enhancement potential of each tourism and recreational activity through the various landscape units considered by experts, stakeholders, and tour operators. The respective degree of preference and enhancement potential were indexed to the area of each landscape unit. Subsequently, respecting the existing recreational structure and constraints, a suitability map for territory enhancement and the implementation of smart tourism practices for each tourism activity and landscape unit is presented. Results show a significant preference for noncoastal outdoor recreational activities.FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia: SFRH/BD/102328/2014; PTDC/GES-URB/31928/2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital modeling of the impact of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake

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    Toys have played a role in the development of 3D skills for architects. As a continuation of this, games, a subgenre of which are city building games, the father of all is SimCity, a variant of construction management games, underlay a socio-economic model. Outgoing from a general view of the role of toys and games in building the skills of architects, we focus on the modelling of the impact of earthquakes on urban areas. The particular case considered is Lisbon 1755, set into the context of related developments such as l'Aquila 2009 and Bucharest 1977. We examined the 3D modelling of the city, which can be the base for computer games, namely the GIS based, Google Earth and Second Life. For all these modells we filled forms which are provided in the annexes, to see the usability and potential improvements, which will be considered in the model we propose. The later builds a game with a socio-economic component, but both later ones have the social component of crowd sourcing participation. The Second Life concept can be extended with narratives of chance like in board games, to realise the immersion like in a novel in the historic time depicted, organising for example virtual events in the public space framework modelled. Different Levels of Detail are identified as necessary in order to on one side identify the landmarks of the image of the city in the perception of inhabitants and tourists and on the other hand to model populations of buildings for future economic studies, based on a structural mechanics instead of statistical approach. Outgoing from this analysis we propose an own concept to model the impact of the 1755 earthquake on Lisbon. We based our concept on the analysis of the space and time aspects in the memory of the pre-disaster city, and considered 72 landmark buildings which can be symbolically modeled as spaces, based on a 2D to 3D concept. Depending on where they were situated, these have been affected by the earthquake or not. We provide besides the overview of the literature on games for architecture on urbanism purposes also this one on memory. This includes on its side a game, for lessons learned in the identification of the landmarks of the city. Apart of the game, there is a guided tour with timeline and the 3D model in itself. Codes are provided. For the analysis we used different views of the city: eye-level, silhouette (from the river) and aerial. This can be the basis of a future augmented reality application including the 3D model and the photos/ engravings of the time. The socio-economic component will be based on the modeling of material resources necessary to retrofit or reconstruct, for the detailedly considered „pombalino” buildings. But first of all identifying the urban morphology through 3D modeling is serving as a basis for master planning, especially the strategic planning of the minimal urban structure, in both preventive pre-earthquake intervention and post-earthquake reconstruction, as aimed for in the „Lisbon in motion” workshop and planned related ones

    Enhancing city resilience to climate change by means of ecosystem services improvement: a SWOT analysis for the city of Faro, Portugal

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    Green Infrastructure has recently gained importance as a planning tool at the regional and local levels. While it provides a range of ecosystem services, greater attention is needed on integrating the economic, environmental and social benefits produced, particularly in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation. This paper maps out the urban green infrastructure as a delivery mechanism of ecosystem services and identifies a number of measures for ecosystem services improvement using the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats approach for the city of Faro within the context of the Algarve region. The absence of an integrated strategy for the urban built and green areas and the low connectivity with the hinterland green areas were the main weaknesses of the city. The solutions, identified by means of ecosystem services regulation functions, address the related measures, anticipate the climate change challenges and enhance the city's resilience. Social, economic, health and visual-aes..

    Urban forestry in Brazilian Amazonia

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    Urban forests provide multiple benefits in improving people’s lives and can be an important tool for achieving the goal of carbon neutral cities. In this study, we analyzed the diversity of plant species from urban forests in cities in the Brazilian Amazonia, based on data from scientific articles, through a systematic literature review. Our analysis revealed that 530 taxa, of which 479 were identified at the species level and 51 at the genus level, covering 38,882 individuals were distributed in 29 cities. The three most frequent species were Ficus benjamina, Mangifera indica, and Licania tomentosa. Exotic species were more frequent than native. The three most frequent species had almost 42% of the inventoried individuals. The choice of species has been made mainly by the local population, without monitoring by the public authorities. Recommendations for sustainable management of urban forests in Amazonia include investing in training of management bodies, periodic inventories, and awareness actions about the benefits of urban green infrastructure and on the advantages of native species. Policies for the sustainable management of urban green areas are necessary. The municipal governments must continuously monitor indicators of urban ecosystem services and provide financial resources for maintaining and increasing those area rates per person.PTDC/GES-URB/31928/2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility in the Alqueva reservoir watershed

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    The aim of this work is to investigate how the spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility (K factor) were affected by the changes in land use allowed by irrigation with water from a reservoir in a semiarid area. To this end, three areas representative of different land uses (agroforestry grassland, lucerne crop and olive orchard) were studied within a 900 ha farm. The interrelationships between variables were analyzed by multivariate techniques and extrapolated using geostatistics. The results confirmed differences between land uses for all properties analyzed, which was explained mainly by the existence of diverse management practices (tillage, fertilization and irrigation), vegetation cover and local soil characteristics. Soil organic matter, clay and nitrogen content decreased significantly, while the K factor increased with intensive cultivation. The HJ-Biplot methodology was used to represent the variation of soil erodibility properties grouped in land uses. Native grassland was the least correlated with the other land uses. The K factor demonstrated high correlation mainly with very fine sand and silt. The maps produced with geostatistics were crucial to understand the current spatial variability in the Alqueva region. Facing the intensification of land-use conversion, a sustainable management is needed to introduce protective measures to control soil erosion

    Sustainable reclamation of industrial areas in urban landscapes

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    During the second half of the twentieth century a widespread crisis of numerous industrial sectors contributed to the appearance of derelict industrial areas. In this perspective the recycling of derelict industrial areas is indispensable for sustainable city development in the optic of recovery and conservation of our industrial heritage. The transformation of derelict industrial sites into public spaces represents a significant enhancement to the quality of life and land use, and at the same time marks a new commitment to the transformation of once-industrial sites to new cultural and environmental uses. This requires a new planning approach based on knowledge, new technologies and collaborative design. The present study evaluates three design strategies that might be used to reclaim derelict sites in urban areas transforming them for the society and the environment. Each is strategy related to different landscape characters: the heritage, the environmental and the socio-cultural character. The objective of the present work was to analyse those design strategies used in the reclamation of derelict industrial areas using three representative different case studies: Duisburg Nord, Fresh Kills and Downsview Park. In those projects it was found that the design strategies adopted minimize the environmental impact assuring a harmonious reclamation of the natural and built environments. Landscape architects such as Peter Latz, James Corner and Bruce Mau, have shown how to create culturally stimulating landscapes with a large variety of uses and activities arising out of the derelict remains of past industry